New York
I’m now registered for New York Road Runners ?
Bestående förbättringar genom lyhördhet, djup förståelse och precision
Vi lyckas när kunden kan förvalta vårt gemensamma resultat
Skapa mervärde för våra kunder genom nytänkande och innovation
Wellness on Meditude is part of our efforts to invest in employees health.
This is a blog about our training. We believe that our training should be fun and we take it to the highest seriousness. We think also that our blog can be an inspiration to others.
You will be able to follow how things are going for us and our thoughts on it. Sometimes it happens something every day to write about, sometimes we will be lost in training and/or blogging but we do not give up ?
I’m now registered for New York Road Runners ?
On Monday February 15 the duo Black and White starts training with PT. Apparently the muscles will be broken down and then rebuilt. It may be true thoug I recognize it from other parts of life. Sometimes you need to remove something old to welcome something new.
While waiting for the breakdown, I focus on group training and good food. Today, a new recipe recommended by White ? and it was really good.
This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about what food I’ll eat when I work out. PT thinks the brain should be set on eating 3 times a day and no snacks. Thinking that it doesn’t fit me, on the other hand, eat half the vegetables, a quarter protein and a quarter carbs at the main objectives feels good. What I exclude is fat not used in cooking and then the olive oil here flown from southern Spain. According to PT to waist circumference to be half of my length which is 82 cm so now we need to work out and think diet. Tomorrow fifth week and possibly the sixth training session, along with Lenah, Zumba, Bodypump.
Now I have met a PT instructor in Saga who will coach me to reach my goal for the summer. The first tip weightlifting at least 2 times a week to start directing the body to burn fat and not muscle. Makes sense. Because I have my training companion and we coach each other so we will run PT duo saving some economically then it is not free.
Two weeks with five workouts a week. Next week meeting with a personal trainer to set up training and diet to achieve target 11 June 2016.
New year and new goals. The first week of January, with three great workouts on fairy tale Exercise. Training mixed with Organic Bodywork, strength and Pilates. I am pleased to be able to keep up with friend from Spain as a guest at the training. A Yoga workouts at home was also led by Silvia and then in Spanish. Great to train the brain with only Spanish during 9 days. This week started yesterday with intense workouts fitness classes. The goal in the first half of the year 2016 are to reduce waist size with 15 cm as a result of quitting smoking 1 september 2014 and to be in good shape when we girls working at Meditude springer girl miles in Central park, NY 11 June 2016.
Today it was a intense workout, tired already after about 10 minutes and even more tired thought it was 50 minutes left of the workout! Was out of focus at the end and started thinking about other things like all the girls had long hair. Also noted that the girls had colorful and patterned outfit. The few guys who attended had almost all completely black outfit and all had long pants and black thin shorts over it. Felt anyway good on my way home, looking forward to a bit of strength training on Wednesday.
Today I devoted myself to “the mind” have played tennis. And when we draw lots for the teams, I am a “blank”
But we have fun and great exercise because I have to run much after the ball.
It is important to rest between sessions which Sture shows. At the same time, Sture and Eddie gives me the everyday exercise that is so important for my health. It is proven that those of us who have dogs live much longer because we stay many hours more outdoors than others. Thanks Sture and my favorite Eddie who always want to be out there.
Two weeks of cold is evident when training starts again. All of a sudden I get hold for Power result and my legs shake during Pilates, but hopefully is the strength back quickly. Fun it is to be back and meet my coach Adam who is in the picture. Behind the camera best fitness friend and work colleague Lena Hedberg ?