Monthly archives: April 2016

Sweat and tears

It costs to compete but after 2 days of step competition, I can state that the individual input in step competition gives me a fourth place by 150 employees and that the team is taking a first place when two of the team members are in the top. It's fun with challenges although the body aches and it hurts.


Now we challenge the HSF unit Infrastructure

In 20 April Begins Step event in Stockholm County Council. For 1 month shall we go 218 km each Member of the team that is 290 000 steps/person. Law Crocodile consists of Bill Heiding Kentor, Eskil Österberg Kentor, Fredrik Öst Stretch and Kerstin Ankargård from Meditude. Team Infrasteget that challenged us consists of Kerstin Rising HSF, Lenah Hedberg HSF, Lars Klinga HSF, Carina Landberg and Kamran Khazravi HSF. Myself, however, I have thought that I also will challenge the other consulting companies in order to give the whole thing a extra touch.

After three-week break

Now the exercise started after three-week break and started with a strength that with PT. Thanks sparring partner that you insisted after personally had in the Caribbean 2 weeks and landed in the morning without sleep. Great to be back up and running